Tuesday, July 19, 2011

"Crave The Word" series

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1)

We all know that God is pretty awesome. He's always there, hearing our prayers and all that stuff. I've been a Christian for four years now. I am 16 years old, turning 17 this year 2011. Before those amazing four years of my life came to be. I had a distorted view on Christianity -- what it meant to be a Christian, I'd know in my heart and mind. I grew up in a Christian family and a Christian community. I went to a Christian school. I know what Christians are, how they're supposed to act, and how they should live. When I started to accept Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior, things started out great and still is great. Trials come my way but I always hold on to the Bible for encouragement and great advice. The Bible is really the greatest friend you'll ever have.
There came a time in my life that I'd been busy with school works, activities, ministry, etc. that I've been forgetting my personal time and devotion with Jesus. I never felt complete. Trials again came my way, they weren't ordinary trials for me. I really felt that these were hardcore trials, that I couldn't surpass them in anyway. I started flunking school works and responsibilities. I started to become stressful and unapproachable. Thoughts came to my head. "Why are you doing this to me, God?", "I don't deserve this.", "I wasn't like this before. Something must be wrong with me." I broke down and cried and just prayed, and then it occurred to me that He is there. "I AM HERE. my daughter!" God said to me in my prayers. He was trying to get my attention, and how dumb of me not to notice Him. I started to read my Bible that night, and came across the verse Psalm 46:1. It did give me encouragement. It enlightened me and gave me the strength I need to do errands and works for school. He is an ever-present help in times of trouble. Up to now, I hold on to this verse, for it will surely remind me that my Father is always right beside me, no matter what happens.

Your Face = Greatest Blessing

I love your face. It makes my heart dance and somersault when I see it each day. I also love how your facial features are well put together by God. As I see that face -- that marvelous face, a picture gets stuck in my head. A picture of you -- perfect as ever. There are loads of things I love about your face. I love how your eyes turn out to be golden brown when a ray from the morning sun hits upon them. I love the fact that you can communicate with me through your eyes. How you stare straight into mine makes my heart skip a beat, and as I stare back at those gorgeous golden brown eyes, I know I could find sincerity. I love how your hair flips and flops but manages to maintain its swagger. As I see your hair flow perfectly and smoothly through the gracious wind, I could swear they smell like freshly picked Michelia Albas on a Sunday morn. I love the way you smile, how your teeth show and how cute you'd look when you do. Your smile is contagious that when I come across you smiling, I tend to smile as well. I love how your cheeks are when you try to cheer me up. You'd come up with these funny faces making your cheeks look oddly fat and chubby which make me want to pinch them all the time. I love everything about your face. Every feature is important and is an asset. To God I am thankful for what he has blessed you, for your face is a blessing to me too.

If I Were To End The World

Last July 13 and 18, 2011 our group reported about a short story entitled, "The Nine Billion Names Of God" by Arthur C. Clarke,

and a movie entitled "2012".

Our theme for the report was "The Apocalypse." The apocalypse basically means how the world will end. The assignment was to make a blog on how we want the world to end/how would we want to end it & to answer this question: 
What are the current problems (globally) that can cause the end/destruction of the world/ apocalypse? Explain.


If I were to end the world, I'd just choose to end it without pain and suffering. I don't want to see people trying to survive and panicking. It's terrible to look at, as well as horrifying and irritating. Imagine people running around, bumping into you, pushing you, yelling straight into your ears. NO WAY I'd want that. So If I were to end the world, I would do it by rapture. According to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/rapture, the rapture is defined as the act of transporting a person from one sphere of existence to another, esp from Earth to Heaven.


According to the Bible's interpretation on the rapture, people would not be aware on when the world would end. It would just happen in a flash/in a blink of an eye. People who believe Him would be taken up to Heaven -- leaving EVERYTHING (clothes, cars, money, family members, etc.) behind. I want this kind of "ending-the-world-process" because it isn't painful and you won't hardly feel and notice it.


QuestionWhat are the current problems (globally) that can cause the end/destruction of the world/ apocalypse? Explain.

Answer: I think the current problem that would end our world is Global Warming.

According to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/global+warming, Global Warming is defined as an increase in the Earth's average atmospheric temperature that causes corresponding changes in climate and that may result from the greenhouse effect. Because of global warming, we are experiencing the rising temperature of the heat from the sun causing the melting of ice in some areas of the world, which would eventually bring about flood, fire, and destruction on Earth.