Tuesday, July 12, 2011


What are mutants?

Do you think they're like this?:

In the world of fantasy, yes. If these are what mutants are in your perspective, then the heck with it, even I want to be a mutant if being one would mean you'd have super powers and extraordinary abilities.

Unfortunately, we are in the real world. We can't  have lasers blasting through our eyes (without getting our eyes burned) like Cyclops, mind reading capabilities like Professor X and Jean Grey, or the ability to control weather like Storm. These kinds of mutants don't even exist. IN THE REAL WORLD, mutants are individuals, organisms, or new genetic characters arising or resulting from mutation. They are organisms that have characteristics resulting from chromosomal alteration, and it ain't pretty to look at.

The article I'll base my blog on is from http://widbox.com/weird-human-mutations. The people you'll see are people who have been affected by mutations, thus, altering their physical appearances.

The Elephant Man: 

He is called as such because of of the tumor that covers his face. It started small, but due to lack of treatment and medication the tumor grew -- resulting to this.

Mermaid Syndrome:

This is what a mermaid in fantasy books and stories look like. They appear pretty, elegant, magnificent creatures but not when their features are applied on people, just like the baby you see below.

The baby you see possesses a mermaid-like tail due to birth abnormalities. This affects the development of her bladder and kidneys.

Tree man:
Take a look at the texture of these materials:

and compare them to these people's skin texture:

They somehow look alike. His extremities are gradually transforming into tree branches. It's believed that he was born with the HPV virus.

Frog Boy:
Consider this frog and compare it to the new born baby that looks like one.

This poor baby looks like a frog, does it not? It is said that he was born with a genetic mutation which made him look like a frog. He has those big beady eyes and his head is glued to his body -- just like a frog.

These are real to life mutations and they're no joke. Movies, stories, books, and media have given us an altered vision of mutants.