Monday, July 4, 2011

R.I.P. Ironhide

So yeah, My family and I watched Transformers 3: Dark Of The Moon yesterday.

Overall the movie was freakin' awesoooome! \m/

I only hated one part though -- the part where my boyfriend, Ironhide, had to die! It srsly broke my heart. When I saw him die before my very eyes (on the screen), I teared up. I loved him since Transformers 1. He was the machine with the most weapons, and he was the boldest of the Autobots.

I mean...

Why'd you have to die, Ironhide? T.T He died without a chance to fight back. He was completely caught off guard. I am so </3. *sighs*

But hey, movie's over and I can't do anything about the death of my true love. :-I


1 comment:

  1. I miss IronHide to my fav Transformer (next to que and sideswipe) only if ratchet could fix him
